Saturday 13 April 2013

Yoga time. Balance, flow, breath.

I discovered yoga when I was 19, working in a bar, and had chronic back pain. I had an expectation about what it was all about- stretching and relaxing right? As it turned out, it was that and so much more. Yoga ignited a new passion inside of me. I wondered how I had actually lived 19 years of my life without it.

From the moment I performed my first sun salute, I was hooked. I discovered yoga wasn't just a physical stretch, I learnt to breathe! I learnt to expand and push the limits of my mind and body. Boy, was that first class a struggle! Actually, I was sore and shaky after every class for about 3 months. Then, all of a sudden, I could move through a class in a fluent fashion, and it'd leave me wanting more. I'd use it as a moving meditation and close my eyes, feeling every movement and breath.

I began to practise at home, every morning, nearly being late for work or uni because I wanted to do just one more pose (again, and again!).
And so my yoga journey ebbed and flowed with my life. Sometimes I'd go to one class a  week, other times, particularly while I was stressed, I would practise everyday. 
What can I say? Life is easier when I practise yoga. It makes me feel balanced and grounded more than anything else I've tried.

Even now, when I am running around after a toddler for most of my days, I manage to fit in a few yoga poses here and there. I'm probably not as mindful as when I do yoga solo, but I say 'better to do one or two poses a day than no poses'. It is important to be flexible with life, especially in regards to busy kiddos. It nearly brought a tear to my eye when Max did his first downward dog a little while ago. He laughed as he looked at me upside down through his legs. Such an unforgettable moment!

I have the want/need/desire to be a prenatal yoga teacher, working with women as they nurture new life from within. Pregnancy is such a journey and it is so lovely to be able to expand your body to encourage it to do what it innately knows what to do. 

Yoga also helps us face our fears. You need only see one segment on mainstream television of a pregnant woman in labour on her back in a hospital bed to feel fearful of birth. 

Going into a deep back bend can cause fears of any type to arise. I feel it is important to allow certain feelings to come up, feel them, and let them go with the next breath. It allows you be calm, in control and it also frees up space for new energy to flow.

Yoga has a list of health benefits longer than my arm. If you have never tried it, I strongly urge you to give it a go. Especially if you're someone who finds it hard to wind down after a big day, or thinks that exercise means pounding the punching bag or running as fast as you can. 

True healing occurs when your body is in a relaxed state. So if you have had a stressful day, and you're heading to the gym, try the yoga class instead of the weights or treadmill.

Yoga teaches our body to be flexible, our mind to be calm, and our ego to be patient.

Check out your local yoga studio this week and give your first downward dog a try. You might enjoy it as much as Max does!


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