Saturday 27 April 2013

Coconut & bean love

Those of you who know me know I am a BIG fan of coconut. I make my own body products from it, I use the oil internally and externally and use it in cooking. If there's something I can use coconut in, I will. 
Most recently I have discovered the amazingness of coconut palm sugar and coconut nectar. I seriously can't think of enough superlatives to describe how good this stuff is! It is the sap of the cut flower buds of the coconut palm.

A lot of people flip out, or take a step back when they hear the word sugar or carb. I don't. If it is still in its whole form (like the sap from a cut flower) the body knows how to digest and absorb it as a food. It contains the full spectrum of minerals (Potassium, Magnesium, Zinc, Iron and B Vitamins) required to to process it, and therefore has a low glycemic index (G.I) and is safe for people with blood glucose irregularities to use instead of refined white sugar. 

Remember here- moderation is the key. If you have blood glucose issues, there are many other steps required to re-balance your system, and it's to do with making long-term changes to your lifestyle as opposed to simply swapping white sugar for coconut sugar. But by all means, make the swap!

I'd like to share a recipe I have recently had success with using coconut palm sugar in. The recipe is adapted from a typical Japanese dessert, is wheat, dairy, and refined sugar free. I have used all organic ingredients also :)

Adzuki Bean Cake

1.5 Cups cooked Adzuki Beans
2 Cups Wholemeal Spelt Flour
1 Cup Brown Rice Flour
1 & 1/3 Cups Coconut Palm Sugar
2 tsp Bicarb soda 
1/2 tsp Fine Himalayan Salt
3 Free range Eggs
1/3 Cup coconut oil (liquified so it is easy to mix in)
200ml Coconut cream
200ml Filtered Water


  1. Prior to cooking adzuki beans, they first need to be soaked in 4 cups of filtered water for about 1-3 hours to slightly sprout them. this makes them easier to digest.
  2. Rinse them, and add them to a saucepan with 1/3 cup coconut sugar (or a bit more if you like them sweeter) and about 4 cups of water.
  3. Bring to the boil, then turn the temp down to a simmer for about 40 minutes. you can tell they are cooked when they start to split and are easily mashable with a fork.
  4.  Heat a fan forced oven to 160 degrees.
  5. Next, in a big bowl, add flours, baking soda, the other cup of coconut sugar and salt. Stir until well combined. 
  6.  Break eggs into a cup and give them a quick whisk before adding them to the flour, then add oil, then coconut cream, then water. Beat with hand mixers for about 3-4 minutes (mixture should be smooth and look like a batter).
  7. Grease a 25cm round cake tin (mine is silicone) with a little coconut oil and pour half the cake mixture in.
  8. Mash the adzuki beans with a fork until they are nice and pasty. Add a layer of beans into the cake tin.
  9. Add the last half of the cake mixture on top.
  10. Cook in a 160 degree pre-heated oven for about 35 minutes. (You'll know the cake is cooked if you put a skewer into the middle and it comes out clean)
  11. Allow to cool on a wire rack.
         Makes about 12 big slices 

This is a very nutrient dense cake. It is not too sweet (which is how I like it) and provides lots of fibre and protein. It's an unconventional way sneak in some legumes into the diet too! 
Our family (2 adults and a toddler) was eating it as a snack for about a week. yummo!
Give it a try this week!


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