Monday 20 May 2013

Oil Pulling. Simple, natural detoxification.

Oil pulling is an ancient Ayurvedic healing technique that can be practiced everyday as a means of assisting your body in detoxifying efficiently and hopefully in the long-term,  preventing disease. Read below to find out what's involved.

Modern science has found links between mouth health and overall cardiovascular risk. i.e. The worse your teeth and gum health, the higher your risk of heart attack later in life. Interesting huh?

This is the brand of coconut oil I use
Coconut oil expert Dr. Bruce Fife and author of Oil Pulling Therapy says, "Oil pulling is one of the most remarkable methods of detoxification and healing I have ever experienced in my career as a Naturopathic physician". 

When you put it in your mouth and work it around your teeth and gums it “pulls” out bacteria and other debris. Our mouths are the home to billions of bacteria, viruses, fungi and other parasites and their toxins. Candida and Streptococcus are common residents in our mouths. It is these types of germs and their toxic waste products that cause gum disease and tooth decay and contribute to many other health problems including arthritis and heart disease. Our immune system is constantly fighting these troublemakers. If our immune system becomes overloaded or burdened by excessive stress, poor diet, environmental toxins and such, these organisms can spread throughout the body causing secondary infections and chronic inflammation, leading to any number of health problems. Dr Fife's book is a great read if you get the chance to have a look.

What I have noticed since beginning oil pulling every morning:

- Thinner white coat on my tongue (especially at the back where it tends to get thicker)
- Fresher breath, since the first morning of treatment
- Smooth teeth, no plaque build up by the end of the day, no matter what I eat or drink
 - Improved appetite - feeling hungry for meals at meal times as opposed to snacking every few hours for energy boosts.
- A slight swelling of lymph glands in my neck and a scratchy throat for a couple of days, which cleared quickly (I put this down to a little detox occurring).

Some people might get headaches, skin break outs and changes in bowel motions during the first few days of treatment. Wade it out as it is your body getting back into a natural balance, and the long term benefits of oil pulling far out weigh the few days of possible minor side effects (in my opinion).

Please also note here, I am still breastfeeding my son. I haven't noticed it affect him negatively in any way. I figure the cleaner and healthier I am, the better milk I will give him, and I plan on teaching him how to oil pull once he's old enough :)

How to Practice Oil Pulling:

Traditionally unrefined sunflower or sesame oil was used for oil pulling, but today many other oils are used as well. I use unrefined Organic Coconut Oil, and I'd also consider using Extra Virgin Olive Oil too.

- Ideally oil pulling should be done first thing in the morning on an empty stomach.
- About one tablespoon of oil should be used, but I recommend to work up to a tablespoon over a few weeks until you are used to the sensation of oil in your mouth. The gagging on oil thing isn't so fun!
- A drop of essential oil or a healing oil like oregano can be added if desired. Oregano is a helpful anti-candida and anti parasitic remedy which is very high in antioxidants.
- Swish the oil slowly and methodically, not vigorously & squirt it in between your teeth and gums.
- Try to make sure the oil reaches every region of your mouth.
- Be careful not to swallow the oil.
- Continue swishing the oil for at least 10 minutes, preferably more like 20 minutes.
- The oil will become very thin and whiter in colour by the end of the treatment.
- Spit the oil out and rinse your mouth thoroughly with warm water.
- Brush with a natural toothpaste afterwards. Or test it out- don't brush your teeth that day, and see how fresh your breath is, and how smooth your teeth feel!

I'd love to hear people's oil pulling stories. Feel free to leave a comment!



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