Wednesday 10 October 2012


The original plan of posting here a few times a week has kind of....lapsed.

But here I am today! Using the moment wisely to share & reflect.

A dear friend of mine messaged me yesterday thinking she was pregnant. I am a bit baby obsessed since having Maxy, so it's no surprise I was over the moon for her!

She followed up this morning with sad news...She'd had a blood test and was NOT pregnant. She had cried all night, as she had really been surprised and shocked. She was showing all of the pregnancy signs- swollen, sore breasts, unusual bouts of nausea, avoiding coffee & red wine (her usual treats), was really clumsy & forgetful...the list goes on.

She and her husband had always talked about children and had decided not to have any of their own. She was actually a bit fretful of what her husband would say if she was cooking a beautiful bun in her oven...she had never planned for this to happen, but was excited and really wanted a baby now it was upon her to choose again. Will she now continue to try? I'm not sure. I'm sticking around for support all the same.

Expectations certainly weren't met in this situation, and of course, they often aren't as we make our choices in life. The first step is to accept. I am constantly being reminded of this everyday.

 I've found since having a baby, I am learning at a more rapid rate than ever before. We may be older, as parents, but children certainly are sent to teach us an insurmountable amount about ourselves, and how we approach situations in life. It is the way we can learn to accept each and every situation with grace and ease that helps everything flow in its natural way.

A x

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