Wednesday 10 October 2012


I went to the pantry to find some organic rolled oats to cook porridge for breakfast this morning...there were none left!

I had to think of breakfast in a hurry. A breastfeeding mama is a hungry mama...

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) had caught my eye. I buy the tri-colour (white, black and red) more so for viewing pleasure, rather than one variety being too different nutritionally from the others.

Those  who know me know I love chai. I'm a bit of a chai freak (: so why not add select chai spices to your quinoa?? Oh and for some indulgence, and a bit of a vegan delight, I also added coconut cream at the very end before serving.

I used all organic ingredients:

2/3 Cup cooked quinoa *

1 tsp ground cinnamon

1/4 tsp ground nutmeg

2 crushed cloves

A pinch of celtic sea salt

2 tbsp Coconut cream
1 tsp raw honey 

*To cook quinoa, it is a two step process.
First, add about 1.5 times the amount of water : quinoa. E.g if you use 1 cup of quinoa, use 1.5 cups of water.

Bring it to the boil in a saucepan and cook for about 10 minutes with the lid off. You can cook with a piece of star anise for extra taste.
When the tails of the quinoa are showing, take the pan of the heat, and put the lid on. 

Leave stand for about 10 minutes, then remove the star anise, and add the other ingredients.

It's as simple and delicious at that!

A x


The original plan of posting here a few times a week has kind of....lapsed.

But here I am today! Using the moment wisely to share & reflect.

A dear friend of mine messaged me yesterday thinking she was pregnant. I am a bit baby obsessed since having Maxy, so it's no surprise I was over the moon for her!

She followed up this morning with sad news...She'd had a blood test and was NOT pregnant. She had cried all night, as she had really been surprised and shocked. She was showing all of the pregnancy signs- swollen, sore breasts, unusual bouts of nausea, avoiding coffee & red wine (her usual treats), was really clumsy & forgetful...the list goes on.

She and her husband had always talked about children and had decided not to have any of their own. She was actually a bit fretful of what her husband would say if she was cooking a beautiful bun in her oven...she had never planned for this to happen, but was excited and really wanted a baby now it was upon her to choose again. Will she now continue to try? I'm not sure. I'm sticking around for support all the same.

Expectations certainly weren't met in this situation, and of course, they often aren't as we make our choices in life. The first step is to accept. I am constantly being reminded of this everyday.

 I've found since having a baby, I am learning at a more rapid rate than ever before. We may be older, as parents, but children certainly are sent to teach us an insurmountable amount about ourselves, and how we approach situations in life. It is the way we can learn to accept each and every situation with grace and ease that helps everything flow in its natural way.

A x

Sunday 5 August 2012


My motivation for starting a blog is mainly because I've been reading so many inspiring people's articles, and there is a wealth of amazingness out there I feel I need to share!

I'm a Natural Mama. I love to surround myself with positivity, loving people and activities. Health, Yoga, meditation, breath work, music, candles, incense, massage, tea, inspiring esoteric conversations, laughs, walks, meeting like-minded people, hanging out in the sunshine, the beach....Are just a few of the many things that 'make me tick'. 

Lately, I've been practicing conscious parenting techniques, becoming a co-sleeper, baby wearer, use gentle guidance as opposed to discipline and intend on breastfeeding til full term (aka extended breastfeeding).

I have a 6 month old son who is growing and changing as quickly as everyone told me he would (his first tooth is nearly poking through!). I also have a gentle and kind Mr. 
We are learning to understand that being in the minority and not following everything we are force-fed by the mainstream media is an ever-changing, empowering path to be taking. I will share lots of information that I have gathered over the years in order for you to make a more informed decision not only for yours and your family's health, but also for your immediate well being and longevity. 

Plenty of recipe ideas, how to's and how to make life flow more simply & easy.

I will feature my birth story in an upcoming post, as I feel that women have lost their faith and belief in their birthing ability. I look forward to recommending lots of great books for all you mums and mums-to-be out there.

This is an exciting new chapter, so stay tuned for  more.

A xx