Wednesday 26 February 2014

Lunch Box Ideas- for kids and adults

Are you running out of ideas of what to feed the kids (or husband) for lunch?

It happens frequently in our house!!

I wanted to share some of my favourites with you. And please- If you have any great ideas, share them with us :)

I always make left over extra meat and veg at night to either put through a salad the next day, or to have another meal pre-made for lunchboxes.

Roasted veg! Always organic- beetroot, potato, sweet potato, zucchini, eggplant, baked in the oven in coconut oil, and a sprinkle of himalayan salt & a sprig or two of fresh rosemary from our lovely neighbour. Roasted veg are great to eat as they are, or through a salad, or for use as a go-to snack.

Boiled eggs with a bit of celtic salt and cracked pepper. On a bed of baby spinach, cucumber and a dash of olive oil and lemon juice.

My fave salad is roasted beetroot, baby spinach, feta, pine nuts and olive oil/balsamic drizzled over the top. Vegos- add tofu or tempeh for extra protein. Carnivores- add sliced meat (100g).

Fresh fruit- seasonal chopped into bite sized pieces. No more than a combination of two fruits as it can be too complex to digest, especially for our little fruit bat kids! E.g. Banana and strawberries. Apple and grapes. Pear and watermelon. Note here I have paired high fibre fruit with a high water containing fruit.

If using dried fruit e.g. sultanas, dates, goji berries, figs, apricots. Choose sulfur free or organic varieties and soak them overnight in some water to rehydrate them as they actually draw water from your intestines to rehydrate themselves to be digested effectively. If you forget to rehydrate them, make sure you drink an extra glass or two of water to ensure you are well hydrated.


Savoury Muffins - I make ours with spelt flour or almond meal depending on what I have on hand. If you have someone with food intolerances, maybe go for gluten free flour.


1 1/2 cups flour
1 tsp bi carb
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
2 Eggs** (Organic, free range, lightly beaten)
Zucchini (1 medium sized)
Feta cheese (around 1/2-1 cup crumbled)
Carrot (2 small or one large)
Asafoetida (1/4 tsp. It is an Indian herb and tastes oniony)
Salt (himalayan/celtic - 1/2 tsp)
Pepper to taste.
Pinch cayenne pepper.
**If eggs are a problem due to intolerances, try soaking 1/3 cup chia seeds in 2/3 cup water for an hour and adding them to the mix as a thickener.

Mix all ingredients together.
Spoon batter into mini muffin trays and bake in fan forced oven at 170 degrees for around 12 minutes or until golden.

Makes around 30 mini muffins.
Freeze well and taste great!

Smoothie recipes- often if we have a smoothie at breakfast, there will be left overs for someone to take in a glass jar for later in the day.

Green- 5 leaves fresh picked kale, 1/2 banana (pref frozen), 1/2 ripe pear, 1 cup water or coconut water or almond milk or hemp milk. Blend til smooth! This makes enough for 1-2 people. Increase amount of fruit/kale/water to take extra to work/school.

Berry- 1/2 cup frozen organic berries, 1 cup coconut water, 2 tbsp coconut milk, 1 small apple, 1 tbsp chia seeds. Blend til smooth!

Cacao- 1-2 Tbsp cacao powder, 1/2 banana (pref frozen), 1-2 tsp chia seeds, 1 cup hemp milk (or nut milk), 3 ice cubes. Blend til smooth.

Chia Puddings (see pic below)- So easy to make and so practical as a go-to at any time of the day!

1 cup chia seeds
1 cup water
1 cup hemp/coconut/almond milk
a handful shredded coconut
a handful mixed berries
half a handful of cacao nibs

Stir all ingredients together in a big bowl and pour into serving sized containers (pref glass or BPA free plastic). Makes about 6 serves.

Have as a breakfast, a snack at work, morning tea, or in the kids lunchbox as a super healthy surprise!

These are merely a few of my go-to recipes that keep us going throughout the working week.

Stay tuned for more!