Tuesday 12 November 2013

Wholefood lemon slice

Yesterday I realised I hadn't made a dessert for quite a while.

This is a quick and easy to make wholefood based recipe for LEMON SLICE.

All you need is a high speed blender or food processor, and the following ingredients.


12 Medjool Dates
2 1/2 cups shredded Organic Coconut

2 Cups Raw Macadamias, 
1 cup Raw Cashews, 
3 TBsp raw honey, 
Zest and juice of one Organic Lemon
1 tsp Organic Vanilla Extract.

What to do...

1. Make the base. Add shredded coconut and dates to food processor and blend until mixture rolls into a big ball, or starts to stick together.

2. Press the base mixture into the bottom of a parchment paper lined 20cm x 20cm slice tin and pop it into the freezer.

3. Make the topping. Add the nuts and lemon zest to the food processor. Blend until smooth- this may take a few minutes depending on the speed/strength of your appliance.

4. Add the honey and pulse. Then gradually add vanilla, and then lemon juice bit by bit until combined.

5. Add the topping to the tin, on top of the base and place back into freezer for about 1.5 - 2 hours to set.

6. Once set, pull the slice out of the tin and parchment paper and chop into small slices.

7. Keeps well in fridge for about a week.

NB: If you make the lemon slice and it is only you eating it, keep most of it in the freezer in an air tight container and bring small portions out as you need it!

Also, if you are vegan, just swap the honey for maple syrup :-)