Sunday 5 August 2012


My motivation for starting a blog is mainly because I've been reading so many inspiring people's articles, and there is a wealth of amazingness out there I feel I need to share!

I'm a Natural Mama. I love to surround myself with positivity, loving people and activities. Health, Yoga, meditation, breath work, music, candles, incense, massage, tea, inspiring esoteric conversations, laughs, walks, meeting like-minded people, hanging out in the sunshine, the beach....Are just a few of the many things that 'make me tick'. 

Lately, I've been practicing conscious parenting techniques, becoming a co-sleeper, baby wearer, use gentle guidance as opposed to discipline and intend on breastfeeding til full term (aka extended breastfeeding).

I have a 6 month old son who is growing and changing as quickly as everyone told me he would (his first tooth is nearly poking through!). I also have a gentle and kind Mr. 
We are learning to understand that being in the minority and not following everything we are force-fed by the mainstream media is an ever-changing, empowering path to be taking. I will share lots of information that I have gathered over the years in order for you to make a more informed decision not only for yours and your family's health, but also for your immediate well being and longevity. 

Plenty of recipe ideas, how to's and how to make life flow more simply & easy.

I will feature my birth story in an upcoming post, as I feel that women have lost their faith and belief in their birthing ability. I look forward to recommending lots of great books for all you mums and mums-to-be out there.

This is an exciting new chapter, so stay tuned for  more.

A xx